Saturday, March 18, 2006


FlashGot - Best Firefox Download Manager Integration - what is it? - InformAction

FlashGot - Best Firefox Download Manager Integration - what is it? - InformAction: "Are you tired of getting spyware, trojans, virus and all that bad stuff surfing the web?
Well, you need a serious browser... Have a safer Firefox with NoScript

Are you tired of 'saving as...' one by one all those movies, music files, pictures, programs and so on? Are you sick of getting them sooo slowly? Are you afraid of losing them in the middle of download if you get disconnected or close your browser, being forced to repeat all that tedious work?
Well, you need a download manager...

But... Aaaargh!!! my download manager doesn't work with Firefox! They say it does, but where is my Download All menu? How can I handle the tons of mp3, mpeg, jpg files that I want to download?"

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