Saturday, March 05, 2005


Send XMS as a voice Messenger via ISDN

Send XMS as a voice Messenger via ISDN

Voice messages

Additionally to the ability to communicate with cellular phones and pagers SendXMS can also communicate with "normal" phones. To use this feature you have to use a voice modem or CAPI 2.0. There are preconfigured entries in the provider file ( to use voice messages. To play a voice message that message has to be in the native coding format of the corresponding device (this formats differ between different modem manufactures). To play voice messages in different formats you have to use conversion programs. Many such conversion programs are freely available (for example sox or mgetty+sendfax). To play a voice message you have to call SendXMS in the same way as if you send a text message, except that you have to explicitly specify the predefined provider VOICE (for voice modem) or VOICE_ISDN (for CAPI 2.0):

sendxms -pVOICE 07246942484 -fvoice.dat


sendxms -pVOICE 07246942484 < voice.dat

In both cases the specified number will be called and the voice message stored in the file voice.dat will be played.

Using CAPI 2.0 you can directly send WAV files if these are coded in aLaw or uLaw fomrat using 8 KhZ, 1 channel and 8 bit. Using any other device the meaage has to be coded the native format of the used device. The easiest way to record such a message is to use SendXMS itself with such a command:

sendxms -pVOICE 07246942484 -fvoice.dat -aRECEIVE
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